Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Looking for NC's Civil War: the 6th NCST at Bull Run

Somewhere near this photo, possibly right where I was standing, is the ground that the 6th North Carolina State Troops charged over on July 21, 1861. Bee's brigade had been rushed to the field on the cars, and, according to Capt. Neill Ray after the war, as they neared the field, "we began to meet wounded men--we saw blood--the war was a reality... We were led on, avoiding exposed places so as to keep out of sight of the enemy, until we were brought up in front of what is known as the 'Henry House,' near which a battery was posted... It was but a short time... before these guns were silenced and captured." But in those few minutes Colonel Fisher and many others had been killed. The regiment had received its baptism of blood."

I took this photo in May 2010.

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